Redefining Insolvency: A Case for Prioritizing Ecological Concerns
Prioritizing environmental claims during bankruptcy proceedings could diminish a company's overall value, thus needing express provisions.
Redefining Insolvency: A Case for Prioritizing Ecological Concerns
Enigma of Explanation to Section 33(2): Unleashing the Unchecked Power of CoC, A Threat to the Object of IBC
Exploring the Conjunctive Test to Navigate the Treatment of Assignees of Related Party Financial Creditors Post Phoenix ARC v. Spade
Analyzing the Contours of the Doctrine of Commercial Wisdom in light of Equitable Treatment of the Stakeholders
MSME Exemption under IBC: Closing the Loophole
Flexible Resolution Plans: An Egress from the Trap of Going Concern Sales
(Re)Evaluation of the Treatment of Third-Party Security Holders under the IBC
Reconsideration of an Approved Resolution Plan by CoC: A Conundrum?
The Inviolability of a Resolution Plan: Analysis by the Apex Court