Mayank Kaushik, Kanishka PareekSep 17 minDouble Insolvency: Navigating the Complexities of Guarantor and Principal Debtor CIRPsThe ruling in this case has provided clarity on the intersection of guarantee contracts and insolvency and bankruptcy laws.
Ria Garg, Ananya GargAug 147 minEmoji Contracts: Seal it with a Click!In holding that a thumbs-up operated to signify acceptance, the court recognized the evolutionary trajectory of contractual communications.
Riddhi Jhanwar, Rahul JacobJan 146 minStamping is a Barrier, Why?By harmoniously constructing relevant legislations, a court under a Section 11 will not dwell on the stamping of an agreement.
Harshal Chhabra, Rishabh ShivaniSep 7, 20236 minTowards Murky Waters: On the Supreme Court’s Questionable Ruling in Loop Telecom and Trading LimitedThe principle in pari delicto potior est defendentis is not absolute and is subject to exceptions that have been ignored by Supreme Court.
Avanish Kar, Eshan ChaubalJun 26, 20236 minEnforceability of Keepwell Agreements in India: A First Principles Analysis The article discusses the nature and the enforceability of keepwell agreements.
Anisha KeshavOct 24, 20216 minTo Due Diligence or Not To: The Effect of Due Diligence on Indemnity ClausesThe article suggests that with the surge in inclusion of indemnity clauses in contracts, caveat venditor has gradually assumed dominance.